Sunday, June 7, 2009


Yesterday was my 20th birthday! Brett can no longer call me a teenager. It was a great day. We slept in, finished our movie, Went to breakfast, did some shopping, came home took a nap, did some more shopping and then went to dinner. Brett took me to wolf lodge where we ordered the sweetheart steak... Brett dimolished it. 34 oz of steak, steak fries, salad and crackers and cake. All on top of two sprites! I have to say I am pretty impressed with him. We then came home and brett gave me the best foot massage I have ever had. It was truly a labor of love. Feet are gross! Any way I will have to post some more pictures later because these ones of me are just not very good:( Definately counting down to D Day! Also Leica loves her raw hide chew toys. She is getting very good at jumping up and catching things. She is also enjoying being a house/outside dog.

1 comment:

  1. I also noticed that ignored everyone's calls. That cake looks really good though.
