HURRAY!!!! Halina is finally here! She was welcomed into our family on Sunday June 5th @ 9:38 am. She was 7lbs 3oz 18 3/4 inches long. She is so adorable!We just love her ! she is such a good baby! she loves to sleep and eat. She looks just like her dad! Candy was right though. Everyone says they are going to go all unmedicated with their first... We ended up with an epidural.
I went into labor on the 4th of July. We were out at dinner with Bretts family when my water sprung a leak. ( I wore white pants hoping to attract disaster. Little did I know our little neice Hailey (on brett's side) would be seated right next to me. She did great though, no spills) so we left and went home. We were planning on going out to Silverwood to watch fire works with the carey's but the leak kept getting bigger so we went to the hospital and as soon as I was dressed down and in bed my water broke completely. Shortly after that the contractions started and I was only dialated to a 3. They were long and far enough apart that I could get through them and be okay. Soon though the were right on top of each other and I wasn't getting any kind of break. After 1.5-2 hours of that and no progress as far as my dialation was concerned I was demanding drugs. We were thankful when they kicked in because it was quite a rodeo in there until they did. I was then able to relax and my body started to dialate. Hats off to those women out there that have unmedicated births!mI don't think Brett's mom , Brett and my mom were so relieved to see some one get stuck with a needle as they were then.
after about 45 minutes of pushing the next morning she was born. Pushing was kind of fun and the whole experience was amazing. Everyone cried! my labor was 13 hours. She is beautiful and just a great baby all together. We feel so blessed to have her in our lives. We feel closer as a couple and have gained an even greater perspective of the plan of salvation.